What is the driving force behind the left?

Looking at everything the left does, it’s about taking things away from people.  It’s what they do.  The last few days, it seems they’re in a crusade against cats.  Feral cats, they say.  They kill a lot of birds and mice.  Well, the devil you say.  It takes leftists to tell us that, who would have ever imagined such a thing.  But give in to them, and they’ll be after pets in people’s back yards, and then they’ll be after indoor cats.  Cede any territory to the left, they occupy it, form a beachhead, and go for more.  Ironic, since they seem to hate war.

If it isn’t cats, it’s guns, Nativity scenes, flags, Christmas trees, prayer, bake sales, walking while texting (or was it texting while walking?).  And they always want more tax revenue so they can continue to spend a trillion more than what they take in.  But there is a common theme.  Even when they’re not taking something, they’re preventing something from taking place.

Their goal is to suck the enjoyment out of people’s lives.  I really believe that’s their main purpose.  They want everybody to be as miserable as they are.  They think they’re miserable because of the right preventing them from not being miserable, while it’s they’re natural state and they seem to want it to spread to everybody else.  They get more and more of what they say they want, but they’re still just as angry as ever, snarling their slogans, acting morally outraged, chronically offended.  People said electing BHO would improve race relations, we get flash mobs instead.  Give them what they want, their behavior gets worse, they’re more miserable, and we’re miserable, too.

Compromise is impossible because they offer nothing in return.  If a person has four acres of land and a leftist wants to take two so everybody else can have their fair share of acres, does it make sense to negotiate to only give up one?  That’s essentially what negotiating with them produces.

We need to stop them from taking stuff from us, which is hard when they’ve corrupted the courts.  I’m starting to think states that want to be free of the left will have to secede.  There doesn’t seem to be any other solution.

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